Sunday, June 14, 2009

Movies no one should own

** This list is a work in progress.
Percentages are from Rotten Tomatoes. Fresh (good) movies receive a 60% or higher rating.

2 Fast 2 Furious, 36%
Beautiful people and beautiful cars in a movie that won't tax the brain cells.

AntiTrust, 25%
Due to its use of cliched and ludicrous plot devices, this thriller is more predictable than suspenseful. Also, the acting is bad.

Are we there yet
Are we done yet?

Batman and Robin, 12%
Joel Schumacher's tongue-in-cheek attitude hits an unbearable limit in Batman & Robin resulting in a frantic and mindless movie that's too jokey to care much for.

Catwoman, 10%


Chuck and Larry, 13%

This latest Adam Sandler vehicle borrows shamelessly from It's A Wonderful Life and Back To The Future, and fails to produce the necessary laughs that would forgive such imitation.

The Day After Tomorrow

A ludicrous popcorn flick filled with clunky dialogues, but spectacular visuals save it from being a total disaster.

Doom, 20%
Sure to please fans of the video game, but lacking in plot and originality to please other moviegoers.

Dukes of Hazzard (2005), 14%
A dumb, goofy, and vacuous adaptation of a TV show where plot is simply an excuse to string together the car chases.

Dumb and Dumberer, 11%

Elektra, 10%
This comic book movie is an inert muddle that takes itself much too seriously.

Envy, 6%
Jack Black and Ben Stiller fail to wring laughs from a script that's essentially one extended poop joke.

Epic Movie, 2% on RT
A crude comedy with nothing new or insightful to say about the subjects it satirizes.

Evan Almighty, 23%
Big on special effects but short on laughs, Evan Almighty underutilizes a star-studded cast that includes Steve Carell and Morgan Freeman.

Ghost Rider, 26%
Ghost Rider is a sour mix of morose, glum histrionics amidst jokey puns and hammy dialogue.

Ghost Ship, 13% on Rotten Tomatoes
With a plot as creaky as the boat, Ghost Ship fails to deliver the scares.

Good Luck Chuck, 5% on RT
A shortage of laughs and an undercurrent of mean-spiritedness undermine Good Luck Chuck; the movie squanders a decent premise with an excess of gross-out humor and dull, shopworn slapstick.

Gridiron Gang

The Grudge

Guess Who


Head of State

Joe Dirt, 11%

Lake Placid

The Marine

Mr. Deeds, 22%
This update of Capra doesn't hold a candle to the original, and even on its own merits, Mr. Deeds is still indifferently acted and stale.
Out Cold, 8%
The Ringer

RV, 23%
An unoriginal and only occasionally funny family road-trip movie, RV is a mediocre effort that not even the charisma of Robin Williams can save.

The Nutty Professor II, 26%
While Eddie Murphy is still hilarious as the entire Klump family, the movie falls apart because of uneven pacing, a poor script, and skits that rely on being gross rather than funny.

Son of the Mask, 5%
Overly frantic, painfully unfunny, and sorely missing the presence of Jim Carrey.

Ultraviolet, 8% on RT
An incomprehensible and forgettable sci-fi thriller, Ultraviolet is inept in every regard.

White Chicks, 15%
Wild Hogs
Yes Man

Joe Somebody

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