Saturday, June 27, 2015

Health and Life Purpose Starting in the Morning

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M. — Medium

7+ Hours of Sleep

Cold shower - stimulates feel good chemicals

Physical labor 

Breakfast with 30 grams of protein (equivalent to 5 ounces of meat or 5 eggs).

Meditation/Prayer - feeling gratitude, clarity, and abundance

Consume Uplifting Content
Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning. It is common for the world’s most successful people to read at least one book per week. They are constantly learning.

I can easily get through one audiobook per week by just listening during my commute to school and while walking on campus.

Taking even 15–30 minutes every morning to read uplifting and instructive information changes you. It puts you in the zone to perform at your highest.

Review Your Life Vision

Do at Least One Thing Towards Long Term Goals
You need to do the hard stuff first thing in the morning. The important stuff.

So your mantra becomes: The worst comes first. Do that thing you’ve been needing to do. Then do it again tomorrow.

After you’ve done this, no matter what you have for the rest of your day, you’ll have done the important stuff first. You’ll have put yourself in a place to succeed. You’ll have inched toward your dreams.

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