Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Darwin Awards, Paddle Your Own Canoe, and Love Does [Books from Goodwill]

While thrift shopping with my girlfriend at Goodwill this week, I found several books that interested me, and she found one that might be cool that is based on actual historical events.

Darwin Awards [amazon] (also known as, how stupid people kill themselves by accident and are removed from the gene pool.)

Paddle Your Own Canoe: One Man's Fundamentals for Delicious Living Paperback [amazon]
by Nick Offerman

I had no idea that Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation) wrote several books and has become a prolific author.  Upon reading the inner book flap I found that his sense of humor and wit that makes his character so likable in Parks and Recreation carries over into his writing.

My girlfriend already had this book, so I didn't need to buy my own copy today.

by Paul Collins.
2011, hardcover. 

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