Thursday, September 1, 2016

Low Ferritin (Iron Stores) and High Iron (Hemochromatosis)

On average, a hair will grow for 5 years before falling out and being replaced. If we do not have sufficient stored iron, the duration for which an individual hair grows will be reduced.
Ferritin & Hair Health Healthy Hair & Scalp products by Philip Kingsley, the 'hair doctor'

Menstruating women are at the highest risk for iron deficiency because they are losing iron through their monthly cycles.  Men (and people with the genetic variant for hemachromatosis) 

The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is 2 percent in adult men, 9 to 12 percent in non-Hispanic white women, and nearly 20 percent in black and Mexican-American women. Nine percent of patients older than 65 years with iron deficiency anemia have a gastrointestinal cancer when evaluated.

Why female vegans and vegetarians need to be taking iron supplements (opinion)
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide. It can cause reduced work capacity in adults and impact motor and mental development in children and adolescents. There is some evidence that iron deficiency without anemia affects cognition in adolescent girls and causes fatigue in adult women. IDA may affect visual and auditory functioning and is weakly associated with poor cognitive development in children.

Blood donors lose iron; 20 mg per day replaces lost iron with minimal constipation or gastroesophageal reflux disease; vitamin C potentiates iron absorption.

Iron metabolism is unusual in that it is controlled by absorption rather than excretion. Iron is only lost through blood loss or loss of cells as they slough. Men and nonmenstruating women lose about 1 mg of iron per day. Menstruating women lose from 0.6 to 2.5 percent more per day. An average 132-lb (60-kg) woman might lose an extra 10 mg of iron per menstruation cycle, but the loss could be more than 42 mg per cycle depending on how heavily she menstruates.7 A pregnancy takes about 700 mg of iron, and a whole blood donation of 500 cc contains 250 mg of iron.

Iron Deficiency Anemia - American Family Physician

About The Test - Understanding Your Results - Hemochromatosis DNA
Explains the results for hemochromatosis genetic mutations 

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