Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pork Tastes Like Human Flesh and Even Cannibals Confirm It

 First TV Interview With German Cannibal: 'Human Flesh Tastes Like Pork' - SPIEGEL ONLINE

10 Reviews Of Human Flesh By Real Cannibals - Listverse

George Orwell was right: Pigs really ARE almost identical to humans | Daily Mail Online

What Does Human Flesh Taste Like?
The Science of Similarity Between Pig Skin and Human Skin

The hidden evolutionary relationship between pigs and primates revealed by genome-wide study of transposable elements

Pigs and humans share more genetic similarities than previously believed | MNN - Mother Nature Network

The immunology of the porcine skin and its value as a model for human skin
Human and pigs share all the major traits of skin (attachment, hair coat, epidermis thickness, dermis thickness, absence of Panniculus carnosus, and the same healing mechanism)

Researchers using pig tissue to help heal human wounds

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