Saturday, April 23, 2016

10 Things They Don't Want You to Know About the Bible

Original Sin is a Man-Made Idea, and Jesus Actually Denounces the Concept. 
Since we must quote the Bible here to satisfy 

Original Sin is the only doctrine by which modern Christianity has any dominion to exert fear and  control people's faith.  If you are not intrinsically "bad" and stained with sin, then we are all sons and daughters of God, the creator of the universe.

"The founders of Christianity understood that if man, through his devotion and obedience to God, can save himself from eternal damnation, the Church would very little to offer their parishioners." [source]

Still need to wrap your brain around this new paradigm?  Check out 100 Bible verses that show that original sin is false and unbiblical.

"The Almighty did not give us desires that we cannot govern or commandments that we could not keep. The Torah was not delivered to angels or animals. It was given to the children of Israel long after our first ancestors transgressed in the Garden of Eden." [source]


Jesus repeatedly calls himself God in only one of the Gospels.  He doesn't do this in the three that Gospels are most consistent with one another (Matthew, Mark, and Luke).

A Biography Missing Half the Subject's Life is Fundamentally Flawed.  How can the church claim they know the circumstances of Jesus' birth when almost half of Jesus' life is mysteriously missing from the Bible? 

Why would the church omit half of his life?  Could there be conflicting teachings or actions during this time in his life (approx. ages 13-30) that needed to be expunged?

The Gospel Christians Love to Quote May Be the Most Inaccurate.
The Gospel of John is an outlier.  Not only does the Gospel of John consistently conflict thematically with the three other Gospels, it does not draw it's writings from the same source as Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

A Talking Snake in a Garden?  That sounds like something borrowed from Greek or Roman myth.  Jesus spoke in parables and the Bible is filled with figurative speech that was not meant to be taken literally.

"The language of Scripture may be regarded as figurative, if the literal interpretation will cause one passage to contradict another" [concept source]

The Gospels Were Written 20-40 years after Jesus Death.  If one of your best friends wrote some short stories about your life at least 20 years after you died, do you really think they could recount word-for-word the things that you said?  Maybe it they were standing next to you writing down your words, the writings could be reliable.  People were not writing down Jesus' words as he spoke.  They were written years after he died.

Jesus and Krishna share many, many parallels.  Historically, writings about Krishna predate Jesus by centuries and there are merely a few hundred parallels between details in Jesus' life and the story of Krishna.
- Krishna "came onto earth to cleanse the sins of the human beings."
- Both were visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star.
- Both were called Savior, and the second person of the Trinity.
- Both were god-men: being considered both human and divine.
- His adoptive human father was a carpenter.
- Both was sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man.
- Both Yeshua and Krishna withdrew to the wilderness as adults, and fasted.
- Both descended into Hell, and were resurrected. Many people witnessed their ascensions into heaven.
- Both were meek, and merciful. Both were criticized for associating with sinners.
- Both referred to themselves having existed before their birth on earth.

Further reading for open minded people:

Did Jesus believe in Original Sin? « Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel

The virgin birth of Jesus: Fact or fable?

The Bible in India - by Louis Jacolliot in 1869

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