God qualities for the Cosmic Clock
1. God-love
2. God-Mastery
3. God-Control
4. God-Obedience
5. God-Wisdom
6. God-Harmony
7. God-Gratitude
8. God-Justice
9. God-Reality
10. God-Vision
11. God-Victory
12. God-Power
Some interesting ages....
Age 18 (6 O'Clock line)
God Harmony
Finding harmony in life and not going off the deep end with new found freedom, independence, and adult responsibility.
Age 21 (9 O'Clock line)
God Reality
Not becoming involved in false realities of drugs, hedonistic lifestyles, and patterns of self-destruction. Embracing what is real.
Age 22-23 (9-10 O'Clock line)
This is the age when most people complete college and the God-vision and God-Victory fits this perfectly. With the right vision, a person can reach for goals and make the right choices. By embracing self victory, someone can put their new found opportunities to good use and hopefully achieve everything they are meant to achieve.

Perversions of the twelve God-Qualities:
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