Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wordpress CMS links

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How to Create Multiple Dynamic Sidebars for Wordpress Widgets

WordPress › Support » Multiple Editable Regions
Wordpress calling page content from a post ID and placing this tag in page templates.

An overview of how to use Wordpress as a website CMS
- Adjusting permalinks to "pretty" permalinks
- Using a Static Home Page
- Individual Page Templates
- Multiple Dynamic (Widgetized) sidebars

Even more important than having individual headers and footers, I wanted to have separate sidebars, as well.

For example, on the main About the company page, I wanted to highlight one of my client testimonials, as well as link to additional information about myself (bio, etc.). On the Testimonials page, I wanted to include a PHP code that would automatically list all of the Testimonial posts so you can easily navigate from one to the next, etc.

Although I could just as easily have hard-coded the content of each of the sidebars in PHP, you have to admit that using widgets are easier. I could make updates anywhere as long as I have a web browser (without having to download/upload updated PHP files, etc.)

On each of the page templates, I’d link to the individual sidebar files. Where the real work comes in, though (which enables all of my sidebars to be widget ready and editable in the WP admin area) is to make some updates to the functions.php file.

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