Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Get Line Breaks in Wordpress with the TinyMCE Advanced Plugin

WordPress › TinyMCE Advanced « WordPress Plugins
Current version: 3.2.4
Last updated: 6/11/2009
Version 3.0.1: Compatibility with WordPress 2.5.1 and TinyMCE 3.0.7, added option to disable the removal of P and BR tags when saving and in the HTML editor (autop), added two more buttons to the HTML editor: autop and undo, fixed the removal of non-default TinyMCE buttons.

** Until a new version of Wordpress in released that "trusts me when I edit HTML", then this TinyMCE Advanced plugin seems to be the only way to enable line breaks without styling a P tag like this for both adjacent lines.

** Found TinyMCE Advanced on 11/14/09.

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